Basic CMYK Colors for Printing Banners
List of Common CMYK Color Mixes For Banner Printing
Vinyl banners are printed in the CMYK color mix. It is important that you convert all of your files to CMYK when you submit your own artwork to ensure that your colors print correctly. CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. Each color has a range of 0-100 percent. Combining these colors allows you to print in just about any color imaginable.
RGB files should be converted to CMYK before printing. Your graphics software (like Adobe Photoshop or inDesign) may default to RGB instead of CMYK, so be sure to check when exporting your file for print.
RBG is a color model designed for use with graphics to be displayed on a screen, such as website graphics. It uses an additive model that assumes a black background, such as a computer screen or a phone. By contrast, CMYK is a color model designed for print graphics. It assumes a white background, such as a piece of paper or a sheet of white banner vinyl.
Using the wrong color model can lead to problems. If your file is set up with an RGB color model, the colors may turn out differently than you expected when it’s printed.
When you switch your color model to CMYK in your graphics software before exporting, you’ll have the opportunity to evaluate the appearance of the colors before you send the file to print. The CMYK color space will much more accurately reflect the look of the final product.